Saturday, 15 March 2008

Rant 105 / MANGINA!!!

Heard this said last night on NS," You're a MANGINA!" (Pronounce by adding "man" and the last 2 syllables of "vagina" together)

Couldn't stop laughing. That is one crazy insult.

Noticed those US players tend to use "Your mom..." and "That's what she said last night" as insults.

For example,

(real example)
A: This sucks.
B: Your mum sucks.
C: In bed.

Extremely immature but still entertaining.

Got sick of Avencast. Once I got all the Soul Magic spells, it got quite monotonous. By this time, I was at the final dungeon and there was no story whatsoever. What's worse is that they started using the same model in different colours in the final dungeon.

Stopped playing it since 2 days ago. May finish it later. Installed Loki yesterday. Tried the Aztec lady. It felt quite similar to other Diablo ripoffs. So I stopped and played NS.

Now I have nothing interesting to play but NS. I think I will buy the Half Life Orange Box in the 3-month break. Team Fortress 2 looks good. And there are a few zombie mods for HL2.

Just ordered about 8 books from Got the 23% discount, but still it cost me $121. All the books but Nineteen Eighty Four cost about $12 each. 1984 alone costs $25. It's a very good book after all.

Think I have typed this before in a previous rant, but Fantasy and Sci-fi books have the longest shelf-life. These books can be popular in any year, as long as the book is in a language that people can understand. I guess those would be the best genre for young writers to go for, because despite their long shelf-life, they rarely become as popular as other genres. It's like a long and steady momentum, while thrillers and mysteries usually start damn well but lose their momentum after many years.

Just look at The Lord of the Rings. It was very popular back when it was first published. It got popular again in the past decade. It will probably rise back into the bestseller lists before I die.

Seriously tired of sleeping on the friggin hard bed. After they changed the mattress in my hall, it felt like I was sleeping on the floor, except cleaner. Can't sleep until about 4am every time even if I feel tired at 2. Now I am drastically reducing the number of nights I spend there. My roomie's happy because he get to bring his gf over whenever I'm gone. I am happy because I sleep much better at home.

Somehow I cannot stand hard mattresses. Soft and lump ones are fine, but I don't have back pain yet to need hard ones. Probably got used to soft mattresses in the army. Especially those that they used for guard duties in Tekong.

Need to think about where to go in the 3-mth break.

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