Sitting with a one-liter bottle of water, and two filled half-liter bottles next to my laptop, I type this blog knowing I will not be running out of water before I finish this rant.
I have no idea why I mentioning the water, but I just did.
The past week has been rather frustrating for me, not because of the approaching exam dates, but because of my horrible neighbours. I used to think that the guy in my neighbourhood who shouts that "wooot!" thing suddenly at any moment during the day was annoying. I was, as the Chinese idiom goes, frog in a well.
Just yesterday in the afternoon, the group of four were waiting outside a room a few doors away from me, and two of them were shouting to someone. From the lack of response to their shouts, I can conclude that their target was inside the room. But from the fact the they were actually shouting, I can also assume they were shouting to someone on another floor. So which should I choose?
Before seeing them, I was suffering their shouts in silence in my room. But when I got too distracted from my work, and thus remembered to eat, I decided to go out for some food.
That was when I saw them shouting there outside the room, like the scum of society that they are. I decided to avoid them by taking another route to the canteen, lest I feel like punching them too much.
Unfortunately, after buying my food, I was looking forward to eating so much I forgot about them and took the path I had avoided. As I took the corner and started to approach them, I got real pissed because they were still shouting things that most of the neighbourhood didn't care about but were still hearing anyway.
I didn't do anything foolish, but I stared at the guy in blue who shouted the most. Even in normal circumstances, I believe I look unfriendly though I never try to look fierce for no reason. But this time, I decided to put a little more effort in the stare.
Of course he stopped and looked at me, probably thinking I was going to do something to him. But it'd be ludicrous sight since I was holding my lunch in one hand. So I just walked passed him without a word, almost knocking into him (I'm big, but the corridor isn't much bigger).
Several moments passed before he spoke again. He was speaking somewhat softly (but still audible to me from my distance) to a friend in Mandarin, "那个人 很 凶 hor?"
Fucking morons. What did you expect, a smile and congratulations from me for attaining the rank of Asshole, First Class?
But of course, as they were morons, they did not quite seem to get what I meant and went on with their infernal screaming. Now you see what that Finnish guy meant when he said he was a "natural selector" before massacring in his school?
Not that he was right, but I sure can see why he felt like killing them. And with that gun of his, lousy model as it was, it was still a great temptation to use a gun on low-lives like these.
I'm also not implying those people he killed probably shouted a lot. I mean they are obviously human pests who's future is obviously detrimental to modern society.
But that wasn't all. On the same day, in the evening, a group of guy played some kind of video game in a room downstairs. From a few whistles I heard, I'd say they were playing Winning Eleven. The main problem isn't with that they were playing when exams start next week for most people. What pissed me off again was that one guy kept shouting whenever he scored a goal. And I could tell he scored quite a few goals.
That isn't all. Another guy was shouting vulgarities once in a while, and there were a few shouts from some others. I'm glad Singapore doesn't allow civilians to possess guns.
After 2 hours of the din, there started a few shouts from other guys who were trying to shut them up. To no avail. And from the persistence shouts from the same guy, I believe it to be the same person as the one I stared at that afternoon.
In addition, I feel helpless. I have no idea if the hall office have the capability to resolve such problems. I have no idea how to contact the hall committee and if they would help in such matters.
Worst of all, I feel embarrassed. They were obviously locals, and at least half the residents in this block are foreigners. It is bad enough that everyone knows the foreign students always get better grades than local students, at least in Engineering. Do they have to make things worse by making asses of themselves in front of so many foreigners?
Another reason to get out of this country when I graduate.
A month back, my roommate got dumped by his girlfriend. Very sad. I was quite surprised, since just a few days before it happened, she came to our room to visit him in the morning. They looked like they were at a very intimate stage, sharing his seat and stuff. And he isn't even ugly or anything; He's even the leader of his guitar ensemble. Cried quite a bit, but eventually stopped.
Then all of a sudden he was crying again last night. I'm not going to say anything this time. The last time I had advised him not to hold it in, and that's the only advise I will ever give to anyone who needs to cry. Any other advices may not be beneficial to him, especially since I'm not a pro in life anyway.
Wonder what he was crying about. Oh hell...
Democracy is the celebration of mediocrity. Why? Think about it this way:
The one with most authority, whether it is the President or Prime Minister, is changed regularly. I'm not talking about Singapore since it is not a true democracy. But when the ruler is changed, long-term plans are interrupted. If the ruler knows he will be replaced soon, he will not bother to plan anything for the far future , eg 20 years ahead. But in a government where the authority is certain to remain with the same person, eg in an absolute monarchy, the ruler can plan for the future.
Even if a President plans for the far future, it will very likely be changed according the ideas of later Presidents.
But in a government where a person is able to hold on to power indefinitely, like LKY, great benefits can be reaped by planning very far ahead.
But this is a gamble, as seen in the world's history. Though this is a possibility that democracy lacks, democracy is able to prevent serious damage if the ruler happens to be unfit for rule. Bush Jr is an exception.
What's more is that every several years, the government has to spend great amount of tax money for elections and keeping the people happy with the ruling party.
So in the end, democracy greatly limits the benefits of having a good ruler, but it also prevents the country from ruination. It is the celebration of mediocrity.
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