Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Rant 074 / Time Is Borrowed. The Clock Is Ticking. Everything Tastes Bland When Time Is Limited.

Kitty Frenzy Today

Quantum Physics is so hard! This is the first time, in the several months since I resumed my studies, that I'm actually unable to complete half a tutorial by myself!

On the other hand, I don't see anyone completing the tutorial in my tutorial group. I think just about everyone but me was copying down the model solutions since Question 1.

Should I feel happy or sad?

I feel frightened.

Whenever I'm the best in something positive, I'm positive that something is wrong.

This belief started after several years of playing Natural Selection. During those years, I noticed that despite having 200+ ping in servers where the norm is 10-100+, I do get to be the best player in terms of frag/death once in a while. And whenever that happens, rarely do my teams win.

I'm not that pro, especially with pings like that.

And I'm no genius.

So what does that say about the rest of the group?

I am so screwed.

At least I see hope for my precious A in this 4 AU Physics module. Woot!

My original aim was to be 5 tutorials ahead, but right now, I'm starting to lag by half a tutorial behind. How? Normally I should have done half of the next tutorial by now, a day past the tutorial class this week.

Right now, I still have trouble understanding and absorbing the half of the last tutorial that I didn't finish. This is very bad. I really need the A.

My grades, so far, have been average, ranging from B+ to C+. At least the B+ is for a 4 AU module. But still, there are 2 C's out of 4 modules! Half my grades are C's!

And what's worse is that I cannot have language courses for PE! I so wanted French 02 for my Humanities PE next semester. Now I will have to resort to studying some boring shit, unless I get lucky with some of the hotter modules.

So far French is pretty hard. The teacher isn't very clear in his explanation; I'm still confused about the pronunciation of 'r' in the French language. Is it always the sound you make from the throat, like the 'ch' in German? Pronouncing basic words like 'francais' would be harder than I thought!

And reading about French cheeses is not easy either. I was constantly hungry while reading about Brie, Comte and Beaufort cheeses on Wikipedia. Comte and Beaufort cheeses are the more common cheeses used in French cheese fondues. And I never knew that I need dry white wine to make a proper cheese fondue! Hmm...



And I'd need crusty bread! What's 'crusty', exactly? Do those baguettes count? Obviously sliced bread doesn't.

More hunger...

By the way, 'dry' wines are wines that have very little or no residual sugar, except in the case of sparkling wine, where dry means sweet. Eg Pinot blanc.

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