10th Mar 2020
Went back to an old bottle of VSOP that was lying around at home, after finishing the crappy Hibiki Masters Collection and starting on the Octomore 8.
Yes, the VSOP was pretty bland compared to the Octomore but I like what little aroma it had. Cognac is just... more elegant.
Definitely stopping on any whiskey purchases for the rest of my life.
11th Mar 2020
Currently quite inclined to move to Canada.
16th Mar 2020
I procrastinate.
Things are not doing well at work so currently considering alternatives seriously.
Also looked through my insurance policies with more attention to the details, and hence feel much more at ease because tbh, a lot of them are nothing special and won't pain me at all to surrender. Not that surrendering them helps much either, but it's nice to have the safety net.
Quite eager to see the release of Dead Age 2 since I liked the first game a lot. Dead Age was the only game on PC that combines that time-based and turn-based combat style of JRPGs like that of the older Final Fantasy games, with zombies.
Not going to get it immediately upon release unless it's cheap, so probably will wait till its price drops.
18th Mar 2020
The root of the problem is that if I don't continue with my business, I have no good alternative as my career. Of course I'm not going to starve but that's not the point. Anyway this means I have to keep this business going somehow.
30th Mar 2020
Yeah keeping my business going should be fine.
Tbh I am pretty sure most of the world expected the US and UK to do
better than what's going on over there right now, regardless of reason. I
mean, China has never been known for having a great healthcare system,
just an affordable one. Same for South Korea.
Italy has been practically giving away free homes people to move there,
so it can't have been doing very well. But the US has always been
pushing into everyone's faces its advanced medical technology and
whatnot, and the UK is strong enough to want to leave
the EU to stand on its own, so now that shyt is hitting the fan over in
these two countries, I have to admit, I'm pretty surprised and so are
lots of people everywhere else. The issue of the lack of tests on the US
basically can be summed up in a question
"What's the point of having the best stuff if you can't use it when
it's needed?"
How is advanced technology and incredible wealth helpful when you are incapable of using it for yourself?
The vegetable shelves in the supermarket are 80% empty. WHY? YOU CANNOT HOARD MOST OF THE VEGETABLES MISSING ON THE SHELVES!
I found cabbages, lettuces, carrots, tomatoes, brinjals, old cucumber ("old" as in left on the vine till it grew a thick yellow skin), celery, yam, and 3 packs of kangkong.
I wanted onions and maybe garlic.
At least there was still one last 5kg bag of the cheapest rice available. And one last packet of the cheapest hashbrowns.
Mushrooms were surprisingly plentiful though. I'm planning on making chicken with mushrooms so that's perfectly doable now.
9 Apr 2020
I like how my neighbourhood has gotten quieter since the lockdown began. Sure, the mad car-horning still happened but it's only once this morning and none yesterday. That's a major improvement over 3-5 times every morning, sometimes long enough to make me go to the window to check if anyone died.
A downside of this, albeit a mild one, is that I have to share the living room, our exercise area, with my brother since the gym has closed. We can't workout simultaneously because he uses a barbell with probably 30kg on each end for his daily routine of deadlifts and lunges, and I do not want to be anywhere near it when it's moving about.
Yes, he can literally lift quite a number of girls whom I know of for his workout, probably including his wife.
I need the space for myself too, but mainly because I incorporate a few basic MMA moves in my daily workout, eg jab-cross-hook elbow-uppercut, because it's almost a full-body workout with a big focus on cardio, and these moves swing my sweat EVERYWHERE!
Money-wise, given how I can still fly for free, I may still fly next year if things recover by then, but I will give major priority to saving money, ie probably nothing but snowboarding, not even rail travel, and I may bring my own food again.
As for the business, I have a few ideas. The bank loan may be necessary, or I could sell a few of my less necessary life insurance policies, because seriously, how many life policies does a person actually need?
Just glad that my new office is going to cost a lot less in rent, though the cost of moving is pretty daunting regardless.